Herbert L. Thomas, Sr., was a prominent
Arkansas businessman with interests in insurance, banking, and real estate. He
was born in Lone Prairie, Ashley County, Arkansas, on February 14, 1899. Thomas
founded the First Pyramid Life Insurance Company in 1925 and served as its
president until 1960. In 1961, Thomas purchased 500 acres of land near Heber
Springs on Greers Ferry Lake in Cleburne County. During the next decade, he
helped develop Eden Isle resort along with Red Apple Inn Country Club and Conference
Center. In 1953, as President of First Pyramid Life, Thomas helped purchase the
City National Bank of Fort Smith, and in 1963, also bought the Citizens Bank of
Booneville. He died on March 11, 1982.
This collection contains records pertaining to
First Pyramid Life Insurance Company, Eden Isle, Red Apple Inn, Citizens Bank
of Booneville, and City National Bank of Fort Smith, as well as personal
o 1. Advertising (Box 1)
o 2. Architectural committee
o 3. Architects partnership
o 4. Bill Brady
o 5. Jim Briggs
o 6. Jim Briggs
o 7. Brochures and published materials
o 8. James C. Buckner
o 9. Budgets
o 10. Cluster homes
o 11. Condominiums (Box 2)
o 12. Co-operative apartments
o 13. Corporation
o 14. Rudy Del Donno
o 15. Development
o 16. Downtowner Corporation
o 17. Drawing plans
o 18. Golf course
o 19. Guest questionnaire analysis
o 20. John Hampton
o 21. John Hampton
o 22. Happenings
o 23. Roy Harris, marketing coordinator
o 24. Hodges, Vines, Fox, Castin, and Associates
o 25. Homeowners (Box 3)
o 26. HUD
o 27. Interiors
o 28. Elbert Jean
o 29. Landscaping
o 30. Lot loans
o 31. Lot prices
o 32. Marina
o 33. Master plan summary
o 34. Jerry Morrissey
o 35. Nursery
o 36. Police protection
o 37. Private club
o 38. Printing requisition
o 39. Reports and surveys
o 40. Sauna
o 41. Security
o 42. Sewer system
o 43. Shady Grove condos
o 44. Specification houses
o 45. Tennis courts
o 46. Villa inventories
o 47. General correspondence
o 48. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1972-1973
o 49. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1980 (Box 4)
Apple Inn
o 50. Accountant, Tom Moorman (Box 4)
o 51. Account job description
o 52. Accounting search
o 53. Advertising
o 54. Chef John Bailey
o 55. Robert Berry
o 56. Budgets
o 57. Conference center, Bonnie Carter
o 58. Conference center newsclippings
o 59. Conference center
o 60. Country club membership
o 61. Cranford-Johnson-Hunt
o 62. Golf pro, Mark Brugner
o 63. Executive chef, Stephen Lunden
o 64. Manager
o 65. Menus
o 66. Jerry Myers
o 67. Jack Mynett
o 68. Personnel
o 69. Recipes
o 70. Safety and maintenance
o 71. Gordon C. Scott
o 72. Sick leave and holiday policy
o 73. Carl Smith
o 74. Snack bar reports
o 75. Miscellaneous materials (Box 5)
o 76. Miscellaneous materials
o 77. Miscellaneous materials
o 78. Miscellaneous materials
o 79. Correspondence (Box 6)
o 80. Correspondence
o 81. Correspondence
o 82. Correspondence
o 83. Correspondence
Pyramid Life Insurance Company
o 84. Advertising and marketing
o 85. Advertising
o 86. Annual report, 1974
o 87. Annual report, 1977
o 88. A.M. Best report
o 89. Bond portfolio
o 90. Board meeting, 1977
o 91. Bill Brady
o 92. Glen Cary
o 93. Clare and company
o 94. Convention costs
o 95. Manley Denton
o 96. Employee stock option plan
o 97. Executive committee
o 98. Financial statements, 1975-1976 (Box 8)
o 99. Financial statements
o 100. Jerry Ford
o 101. Frank Gordon
o 102. Roy Harris
o 103. Investment committee
o 104. John Hampton
o 105. Legal papers
o 106. Marketing vice-president position
o 107. Frank McGehee
o 108. Frank McGehee, Jr.
o 109. Mortgage company
o 110. October campaign
o 111. Organization chart
o 112. Forrest Penny
o 113. Perkins Foods, Incorporated
o 114. Stock ownership (Box 9)
o 115. Miscellaneous stock papers
o 116. Herbert Thomas, Jr.
o 117. Herbert Thomas, Jr.
o 118. Gerald Vader
o 119. Betty Wineland
o 120. Miscellaneous materials (Box 10)
o 121. Miscellaneous materials
Bank of Booneville
o 122. Advertising (Box 11)
o 123. By-laws
o 124. Citizens Investment Corporation
o 125. Employee stock option plan
o 126. Jeral Hampton
o 127. Landscape drawings
o 128. Stock correspondence
o 129. Stock option agreements
o 130. Misellaneous materials
National Bank of Fort Smith
o 131. Advertising (Box 12)
o 132. Automobile policy
o 133. Comparative figures
o 134. Jim Harwood
o 135. Harold E. Henson, Jr.
o 136. Key ratios
o 137. Jerl Looper
o 138. Office salary analysis
o 139. Photographs
o 140. Stock options
o 141. Miscellaneous correspondence
o 142. Miscellaneous materials
o 143. A (Box 13)
o 144. American Chesapeake Dog Club
o 145. Antiques
o 146. Arkansas Highway Department
o 147. B
o 148. Dale and Betty Bumpers
o 149. C
o 150. Bill Clinton
o 151. D
o 152. Dudley Dowell
o 153. Ernie Deane
o 154. Dogs
o 155. Melvin Dunn agencies
o 156. E
o 157. F
o 158. Financial statements
o 159. Fortnum and Mason, Limited
o 160. Mazie Fuess
o 161. G
o 162. Bishop Paul Galloway
o 163. H (Box 14)
o 164. Al Haig
o 165. John T. Hampton
o 166. Brooks Hays
o 167. Heber Springs
o 168. Heber Springs Chamber of Commerce
o 169. Heber Springs Public School court case
o 170. Heifer Project International
o 171. Honduras
o 172. J
o 173. K
o 174. Jack Kemp
o 175. L
o 176. Roger Langster
o 177. Land development project
o 178. Legislation
o 179. M
o 180. Maps
o 181. Jim NcGehee contract
o 182. McGhee, Potts and Associates status report
o 183. N (Box 15)
o 184. O
o 185. Tom Olmstead
o 186. P
o 187. Paintings
o 188. Pleasant Valley stockholders meeting
o 189. Portrait Specialists, Incorporated
o 190. R
o 191. Retired Teachers Housing, Incorporated
o 192. S
o 193. Schools
o 194. Robert Shaheen
o 195. Speeches
o 196. Slate and Flagstone
o 197. T
o 198. Thomas family
o 199. Tile
o 200. Travel editors
o 201. U
o 202. University of Arkansas
o 203. United States Corps of Engineers
o 204. United States Corps of Engineers, Carl
o 205. V
o 206. Bronson Van Wyck
o 207. W
o 208. Warden-Brooks, Limited
o 209. X-Y-Z
o 210. Miscellaneous (Box 16)
o 211. Miscellaneous
o 212. Miscellaneous photos