The Arkansas State Archives (heretofore known as ASA) reserves
the right to delete any abusive, vulgar or offensive comments.
The ASA will delete spam or any posted advertising or
promotion of services.
Employees will refrain from posting anything political or
religious that could be viewed as biased.
Posts made by ASA employees on social media sites should
directly reflect the ASA's mission statement and/or represent Arkansas history.
ASA employees will not post confidential agency information
on social media sites.
Any comments posted on ASA’s social media sites do not
reflect the views of the ASA.
Social media sites will be regularly moderated and
maintained and will not remain static.
All use of social media should be compliant with local,
state and federal laws.
All social media correspondence and communication should
remain professional in nature.
Usernames and passwords should be agency related and not
directly connected to one employee. If
the moderator of social media sites leaves ASA, passwords must be changed.
Social media moderators should be familiar with terms of
service for each social media site.
Messages received through private messaging on social media
sites will be considered a version of email and therefore will be considered work
The sharing of co-workers’ personal information via social
media sites is prohibited (no personal phone numbers/contact information, no
medical information, etc.).
Social media will be managed by select ASA employees and
will not be open to management by the entire staff.
The ASA asks that employees refrain from posting negative or
defamatory posts about the ASA on their personal accounts (especially during
work hours). The ASA asks that employees
use common sense when communicating on personal social media accounts and to
remember that as employees, they publicly represent the ASA even outside of
work hours.
In accordance with state law, ASA employees will not be
required to submit usernames and passwords to personal accounts, will not be pressured
to “friend” co-workers through social media sites and will not be asked to change
the privacy settings on personal social media accounts.
Images from the ASA collection posted on social networks
sites will have ASA watermarks and will have corresponding accession/cataloging
numbers added in the post.
Social media sites are considered supplemental to
traditional marketing and advertising and will be used to engage an outside
audience and to promote the ASA.
The ASA's social media policy will be publically posted on
its website and on social media sites.
Employees will use good judgment when posting. Language based on old racial stereotypes and topics that are politically sensitive are prohibited.
Employees will use good judgment when posting. Language based on old racial stereotypes and topics that are politically sensitive are prohibited.