Memories of Dogpatch
The AHC has
created a new Pinterest board about Dogpatch USA and is inviting the
public to participate. We'd like you to share your scanned photos and
memorabilia on our board and help us create an online archive dedicated to the history of Dogpatch.
Located on Hwy 7 between Harrison is Jasper, Dogpatch was a well-loved
Arkansas theme park that was popular during the 1970s and 1980s. Many
Arkansans have wonderful memories of time spent there and we look
forward to seeing what our patrons have to share.
We have 2
ways in which to participate. You can pin directly to the Dogpatch
Memories board or you can email us your images and we will pin them for
you (credit will be given to anything shared). If you'd like to
contribute to the board, please send us an email at with the Requesting Pinterest Invitation
in the subject line. We'll send you an invite directly from the board
which will allow you to pin to it. If you'd rather email us images, you
can send us an email to the same email address with Dogpatch
Contribution in the subject line.
We've already pinned some images from our own collection onto the board. To view our pins, please visit us at:
We look forward to your participation!!