
The Arkansas State Archives is located at One Capitol Mall, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201.  The Research Room is open from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday through Saturday. It is closed on state holidays. If you are traveling long distances, please call to confirm hours/days of operation at 501.682.6900.

Finding the Archives

  1. From I-30, exit on I-630. Take the State Capitol Complex exit off I-630 at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive. Turn right. At traffic light on 7th Street turn left. Continue west on 7th Street through traffic light at Marshall Street and one more block to Wolfe Street. Turn right on Wolfe Street. Go to the bottom of the hill where there is public parking in any numbered parking space that is not marked with someone's name or designated a special parking space.
  2. From I-430, exit on I-630 East. Take the State Capitol Complex exit off I-630 at Marshall Street. Turn left at traffic light. Turn left at traffic light on 7th Street. Go one block, then turn right on Wolfe Street. Go to the bottom of the hill where there is public parking in any numbered parking space that is not marked with someone's name or designated a special parking space.