Monday, March 16, 2015

February Acquisitions and Accessions

Books, Printed Ephemera, etc.

Hopping on the Border:  The Life Story of a Bellboy, by Matt Thomas
Second Presbyterian Church Directories, 1925-1930, 1968
The Razorback Yearbook, 1923
The Razorback Yearbook, 1924
The Razorback Yearbook, 1925
Fort Smith High School Yearbook, 1921

North Carolina, McDowell County, Marriage Records 1797-1869 by Frances T. Ingmire

Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol. VIII Essex County - Wills & Deeds: 1711-1714     Abstracted by Beverley Fleet

Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol. IX Essex County - Wills & Deeds: 1711-1714  Abstracted by Beverley Fleet

Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol. XVI Richmond County Records: 1692-1704, Deed Book No.1 1692-1693, Deed Book No. 2 1693-1696, Deed Book No.3 Lost, Misc. Records 1699-1704  Abstracted by Beverley Fleet

Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol. XVII Richmond County Records: 1704-1724 Abstracted by Beverley Fleet

Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol. XXI Henrico County – Southside: 1736 Abstracted by Beverley Fleet

Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol. XXIII Westmoreland County: 1653-1657 Abstracted by Beverley Fleet

Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol. XXIX Essex County Records: 1703-1706  Abstracted by Beverley Fleet

North Carolina, Burke County, Marriage Records 1781-1868 by Frances T. Ingmire

A Survey of American Church Records by E. Kay Kirkham, IV Edition

A Survey of American Church Records by E. Kay Kirkham, Revised IV Edition

Beginner’s Guide to Family History Research, Third Edition by Desmond Walls Allen and Carolyn Earle Billingsley

The Confederacy: A Guide to the Archives of the Government of the Confederate States of America by Henry Putney Beers

Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian by Elizabeth Shown Mills

The Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy, 3rd Edition by Val D. Greenwood
1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume One: Central Region abstracted by Roger G. Ward

Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Archives of the United States, Third Edition, edited by

Anne Bruner Eales and Robert M. Kvasnicka

The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy, edited by Arlene Eakle and John Cerny

Cemeteries of Grenada County, Mississippi and Surrounding Areas Volume I by Frances G. Martin

Netting your Ancestors: Genealogical Research on the Internet by Cyndi Howells

The Handybook for Genealogists, 8th Edition

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina: Will Abstracts, 1791-1868 & Tax Lists 1797-1799, 1806, 1807 by

Herman W. Ferguson and Ralph B. Ferguson

Genealogical Deed Abstracts, Books 10-14, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina by Herman W. Ferguson

DAR Library Catalog, Volume One, Second Revised Edition: Family Histories and Genealogies

DAR Library Catalog, Volume Two: State and Local Histories and Records

America’s Civil War, May 1993

America’s Civil War, January 2007

America’s Civil War, September 2007

America’s Civil War, March 2008

Civil War Historian, September/October 2006, Vol. 2, Issue 4

Civil War Historian, November/December 2006, Vol. 2, Issue 5

Civil War Historian, January/February 2007, Vol. 3, Issue 1

Civil War Historian, March/April 2007, Vol. 3, Issue 2

Civil War Historian, May/June 2007, Vol. 3, Issue 3

Civil War Historian, July/August 2007, Vol. 3, Issue 4
Civil War Historian, November/December 2007, Vol. 3, Issue 6

Civil War Historian, January/February 2008, Vol. 4, Issue 1

Civil War Times, February 1984

Civil War Times, April 1984

Civil War Times, May 1984

Civil War Times, June 1984

Civil War Times, March 1985

Civil War Times, April 1985

Civil War Times, May 1985

Civil War Times, November 1985

Civil War Times, December 1985

Civil War Times, Gettysburg special ed., 1985

Civil War Times, January 1986

Civil War Times, February 1986

Civil War Times, March 1986

Civil War Times, April 1986

Civil War Times, June 1986

Civil War Times, December 1986

Civil War Times, January 1987

Civil War Times, May 1987

Civil War Times, Summer 1987

Civil War Times, October 1987

Civil War Times, December 1987

Civil War Times, January 1988

Civil War Times, March 1988

Civil War Times, September 1988

Civil War Times, October 1988

Civil War Times, November 1988

Civil War Times, January 1989

Civil War Times, April 1989

Hallowed Ground, Spring 2006, Vol.7, No. 1

Southern Partisan, Summer 1985, Vol. V, No. 3

Southern Partisan, Winter 1986, Vol. VI, No. 1

Virginia Country’s Civil War, 1986, Vol. V


The Tour: Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism, 1 VHS
Photograph of the University of Arkansas Auditorium

Genealogical County Map of the United States of America
United Methodist Church Arkansas Conference, 1.5 cu. ft.

2000 Watermelon Festival Papers, 0.5 cu. ft.
McRae Papers, 0.5 cu. ft.
Hempstead County Marriage Licenses, 0.125 cu. ft.