Although the resource guide won’t be fully comprehensive, it will contain a large selection of sources from the AHC’s special collections, including manuscript collections and microfilm collections , as well as sources from books, photographs, and printed ephemera.
The online digital collection will be joining a number of other already existing collections, including historic Arkansas maps, postcards, a World War I collection and lesson plans. The Arkansas Women’s History digital collection will initially feature unique photographs focusing on Arkansas women’s history with additional items to be added in the coming months. Photographs include images of Charlotte Stephens, the first African American teacher in Little Rock, Arkansas women’s suffrage, female workers at Arkansas ordnance plants during World War II, war posters and other miscellaneous images. There are currently nine available resource guides, all of which can be accessed through our online digital collections.
The Arkansas History Commission, located in Little Rock, is the
official state archives of Arkansas and maintains the largest collection
of historical materials on Arkansas in the world.
To access the collection, visit:…/landing…/collection/p16790coll14
You can access the resource guide at…/landing…/collection/p16790coll13
To access the collection, visit:…/landing…/collection/p16790coll14
You can access the resource guide at…/landing…/collection/p16790coll13