This collection contains letters, cards, business papers, church bulletins, sermons, obituaries, and educational and employment records dating from 1939-2000.
- 1. Ables, Gary T., 1995 (Box 1)
- 2. Anniversary, ministerial fiftieth, 1989
- 3. Anniversary, twenty-fifth wedding, 1978
- 4. Arkansas Baptists Committed, 1999
- 5. Arkansas State University, Mountain Home, 1998
- 6. Baptist Education Committee, 1951-1952
- 7. Biography, Randolph M. Smith, undated
- 8. Business ventures, miscellaneous, 1971-1998
- 9. Business ventures, rabbits, 1984
- 10. Business ventures, vending machines, 1971-1973
- 11. Camden, Board of Directors agenda, 1981
- 12. Camden Library, 1992
- 13. Certificates, miscellaneous, 1886, 1929-1990
- 14. Charities, Salvation Army, 1977-1987
- 15. Charities, Traveler's Aid, 1976-1981
- 16. Charities, Traveler's Aid, 1982
- 17. Charities, Traveler's Aid, 1983-1987
- 18. Check and transaction registers, 1996-1999
- 19. Churches, Arkana, Norfork, Arkansas, 1996-1997
- Churches, Arkana, Norfork, Arkansas, bulletins
- 20. 1995
- 21. 1996
- 22. 1997
- 23. 1998
- 24. 1999
- 25. 2000
- 26. Churches, Fairview Road, Camden, Arkansas, 1973-1990
- 27. Churches, Fairview Road, Camden, Arkansas, undated
- Churches, Fairview Road, Camden, Arkansas, bulletins
- 28. 1979-1981
- 29. 1982
- 30. 1983
- 31. 1984
- 32. 1985
- 33. 1986
- 34. 1987
- 35. 1988
- 36. 1989
- 37. 1990-1991
- 38. Churches, Fairview Road Sunday School report, 1977-1990
- 39. Churches, First Baptist, Mountain Home, Arkansas, 1999-2000 (Box 2)
- 40. Churches, Hopewell, Mountain Home, Arkansas, undated
- 41. Churches, Keo Baptist Church, Keo, Arkansas
- 42. Churches, Mount Union, El Dorado, Arkansas, 1990-1991
- 43. Churches, Remount, North Little Rock, Arkansas, 1998
- 44. Churches, Rich Pond, Bowling Green, Kentucky, 1989, 1999
- 45. Churches, Trinity, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1966
- 46. Conway, Arkansas, Central Baptist College, 1952-1954
- 47. Death and funeral, Randolph M. Smith, 2000
- 48. Death and funeral, Randolph M. Smith, 2000
- 49. Diplomas, 1939, 1946-1947
- 50. Educational and employment records, 1966 and 1971
- 51. England, Arkansas, school, 1958
- 52. Family history, undated
- 53. Funerals, 1969, 1981-2000
- 54. Furniture correspondence, 1993 and undated
- 55. Garrett, Oliver Coleman, estate, 1988
- 56. Jeffus, Richard Allen, 1984-1987
- 57. Jones, Elijah B., undated
- 58. Jones, Rosie Jane, 1986 May 29
- 59. Legal papers, Randolph M. and Bonnie Jo Smith, 1949-1959
- 60. Legal papers, Randolph M. and Bonnie Jo Smith, 1960-1989
- 61. Legal papers, Randolph M. and Bonnie Jo Smith, 1990-1999
- 62. Letters, Randolph M. Smith, 1995-2000
- 63. Letters and cards, Krutza, Linda Smith, 1983-2000
- 64. Letters and cards, miscellaneous, Randolph M. and Bonnie Jo Smith, 1984-2000
- 65. Letters and cards, Morgan, Mollie Smith, 1968, 1981 and 1999 (Box 3)
- 66. Letters and cards, relatives of Bonnie Jo Brandon Smith, 1985-2000, undated:
- 67. Letters and cards, relatives of Randolph M. Smith, 1973, 1981-2000 and undated
- 68. Letters and cards, Smith, Marion R., 1986-2000
- 69. Letters and cards, Smith, Robyn, 1986-2000
- 70. Mentoring program, 1999
- 71. Morgan, Roger L., 1985-1999
- 72. Newspaper articles, Randolph M. Smith, 1980
- 73. Ouachita Baptist University, 1979-1990
- 74. Ouachita Baptist University, Gold Tiger Club, 1996
- 75. Photographs (photocopies)
- 76. Poetry and drama, 1964-1994 and undated
- 77. Political items, 1954, 1966-2000
- 78. Princeton High School, Dallas County, Arkansas, 1975, 1986, 1993, and undated
- 79. Property, rental, ledger and loose materials, 1965-1968, 1986-1999
- 80. Radio ministry, undated
- 81. Roach, Connetta Smith, Estate, 1998
- 82. "RSV," [Revised Standard Version] controversy, 1953
- 83. Smth, Cora Myrtle (Box 4)
- 84. Smith, Cora Myrtle
- 85. Smith, John L.
- 86. Smith, Marion R.
- 87. Smith, Ray M. and Essie J.
- 88. Smith, Ray M. and Essie J.
- 89. Smith, Ray M. and Essie J.
- 90. Southern Arkansas University
- 91. Wallet cards, small items
- 92. Weddings
- 93. Williams Baptist College
- 94. Scrapbook, 1962-1965 (Box 4)
- Sermons and notes (Box 5)
- 95. Notebook, 1972 May 8
- 96. "The Cross and the Crown," volume 2
- 97. Acts
- 98. Acts
- 99. Acts
- 100. Acts
- 101. Amos
- 102. I Chronicles and II Chronicles
- 103. Colossians
- 104. I Corinthians
- 105. I Corinthians
- 106. II Corinthians
- 107. II Corinthians
- 108. Daniel
- 109. Deuteronomy
- 110. Ecclesiastes
- 111. Ephesians
- 112. Ephesians
- 113. Esther and Exodus
- 114. Ezekiel
- 115. Ezra
- 116. Galatians
- 117. Genesis
- 118. Genesis
- 119. Habakkuk and Haggai
- 120. Hebrews
- 121. Hebrews
- 122. Hosea
- 123. Isaiah
- 124. Isaiah
- 125. James
- 126. Jeremiah
- 127. Job
- 128. Joel
- 129. John
- 130. John
- 131. John
- 132. I John, II John and III John
- 133. Jonah (Box 6)
- 134. Joshua
- 135. Jude
- 136. Judges
- 137. I Kings and II Kings
- 138. Lamentations
- 139. Leviticus
- 140. Luke
- 141. Luke
- 142. Luke
- 143. Malachi
- 144. Mark
- 145. Mark
- 146. Matthew
- 147. Matthew
- 148. Matthew
- 149. Matthew
- 150. Micah
- 151. Nahum
- 152. Nehemiah
- 153. Numbers
- 154. Obadiah
- 155. I Peter
- 156. II Peter
- 157. Philemon
- 158. Philippians
- 159. Proverbs
- 160. Psalm
- 161. Psalm
- 162. Romans
- 163. Romans
- 164. Revelation
- 165. Ruth
- 166. I Samuel
- 167. II Samuel
- 168. Song of Soloman
- 169. I Thessalonians
- 170. II Thessalonians
- 171. I Timothy
- 172. II Timothy
- 173. Titus
- 174. Zechariah
- 175. Zephaniah
- 176. Church Covenant
- 177. Miscellaneous Sermons and notes: undated (Box 7)
- Miscellaneous (Box 8)
- 178. Sermons "The Preachers Goldmine," 1976-1977, 1989
- 179. Church bulletins
- 180. Church newsletters
- 181. Members, unknown church
- 182. Newspaper clippings
- 183. Notes
- 184. Church publications
- 185. Publications
- 186. Receipts, stamps, blank cards
- 187. Immanuel Baptist Church calendar, Camden, Arkansas, 1972
- 188. Plaque, Ouachita Baptist University, acknowledges Randolph and Bonnie Smith as member of the President's Associates, 1998